As you may be aware office computer systems have, over a very short period of time, changed in complexity from essentially being complicated pieces of hardware running very simple operating systems to relatively simple pieces of hardware running extremely complicated operating systems. This together with the very large and intricate application software packages, added to which most systems and users are totally reliant on the Internet and the services provided. The effect of this amazing transformation over the past few years has meant that although hardware has become simpler and more reliable the level of technical support required to support current systems has increased quite considerably in order to provide support for all the additional functionality. This is especially true when one considers the detrimental effect of Viruses, Spam emails and Spyware.
It is the intention of our maintenance agreement to support your computer systems in a fully working and usable condition. Thus we undertake to repair/replace any failing item of computer hardware itemised on the current maintenance schedule and within the manufacturers warranty period. Any item that fails outside of the manufacturers period will be replaced at cost price. The labour will remain covered by the maintenance contract at all times. Where the problem is found to have been caused by software failure or software damage caused by viruses, spyware or other forms of malware, then PCS will undertake to recover and repair the damage where practical but reserve the right to blank and reload the hard drive if all other options have been exhausted. If however, the reported PC has been infected by mis-use, such as browsing pornography, then PCS reserve the right to charge for the associated repair costs.
In the event of total data loss or corruption, it is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that an up-to-date backup is available from which data can be recovered. It is the customer’s responsibility to monitor the backup process daily to ensure that reliable backups are being maintained.
We feel that offering the same level of support to all our customers in a set contract gives a better level of support to the customer. This is rather than the customer choosing if they want a gold, silver or bronze level of support or paying as you go. This way we will always ensure that any tweaks to improve performance or reliability are always passed on to the customer, because for us the more reliable the pc’s, servers and the network the less calls we will get and it keeps everyone happy.
If you would like more information or would like a price for PCS to maintain your office network then feel free to contact us.